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Radiocarbon Date for Charcoal Sample

In case you did not know, Ian sent off a sample of charcoal found in the extension to Trench 3 for Radiocarbon dating (C14 dating). This sample of charcoal came from the same context (230) as a piece of pottery that was thought be 15th Century in date, and where there was an ephemeral piece of daub (see Ian’s report p12: Parker Heath, I (2016) Report on the Extension to Trench 3). So we had high hopes…

Pottery from context (230)

We now have the result…

And we thought you might be interested in knowing what it is…

The short answer is…

1350 + or – 30yrs!

This means that it is pre-Tudor i.e. Medieval, and is further support to the theory that there was indeed a house on the platform (site of Trench 3) at this time. It has to be kept in mind too that the date given above is for the felling of the tree and not the use of the wood nor when it was eventually burnt. The pottery therefore is a better indication of this.

Please feel free to post any queries, theories and/or comments in the comments section below…


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