We have created an Education Pack for schools to use!
This Pack is a resource for teachers in KS2 to support, chiefly, the teaching of aspects of the Primary National Curriculum in History but also other aspects of the Primary National Curriculum in subjects such as Science, Geography, Language and Literacy, and Numeracy and Mathematics.
The pack is organised into sections and sub-sections. The first section gives background information about the project, details of the trenches we excavated, the key finds from each trench and the people who once lived at Whitle. Various words are highlighted in bold throughout this section, which are explained in a glossary in Appendix 1.7. Teachers can disseminate the information in this section in a way that is appropriate to the year group and reading ability, but it has been written in a style that will be accessible to many children in KS2 and so could be printed/photocopied and given to children as teachers see fit. Activity 1 is a suggested introduction to the project that uses this section.
A second section is a number of activity plans. Each plan details learning objectives and curriculum links as well as what to do. Resources for the activities are in the appendices. These are designed to be printed out, although they will be supplied already printed in the Education Boxes on-site and in those given to the schools that took part in the project. In some cases, there are suggestions of other resources to be used with an activity. It is hoped that teachers can readily find these around the school and classroom.
There follow the appendices, which include all the printable resources for the activities as well as a glossary of terms that are highlighted in bold throughout this document.
All the finds featured in this pack are housed at the Dove Valley Centre, Under Whitle Farm and can be handled during an on-site visit (email for details). The education boxes given to the participating school will have a variety of other artefacts that were excavated during the project. These will be accompanied by labels explaining what they are and can be used as suggested in the activity plans.
This pack can be downloaded here: Peeling Back the Layers Education Pack for Schools
We hope you find this resource easy to use, fascinating and, above all, fun!
the Whitle Times
Take a look at the Whitle Times -
the project’s very own comic. Click on the image to downlod the comic (PDF).
The answers to all the puzzles are here: Activity Answers – but no cheating! Enjoy!